目的了解云南省血吸虫病流行区野粪分布及污染情况,以评价传染源控制为主的综合防治措施的效果。方法根据近5年螺点分布及人畜活动特点,在云南省巍山、南涧、弥渡3个县各随机抽取2个血吸虫病流行村,每村选定总面积>4 hm2的有螺自然片区为调查范围,调查野粪种类与密度。取查获的全部新鲜野粪采用集卵孵化法或塑料杯顶管孵化法检测,观察野粪血吸虫病原阳性情况。结果 3个县共调查63 hm2,发现野粪420份,野粪平均密度0.066 7堆/100 m2。各类环境均有野粪分布,其中路边和山坡野粪密度最高,分别为0.098 7堆/100 m2和0.088 0堆/100 m2。共采集新鲜野粪280份,包括人、牛、马、犬、羊和猪粪便6类,以牛粪及犬粪最多,分别占37.38%和30.71%,未查到血吸虫病原阳性野粪。结论云南省有螺环境内野粪多,仍存在较大的血吸虫病传播风险。应在强化禁牧措施的同时加大对犬的查治。
Objectives To understand the status of wild feces distribution and pollution in schistosomiasis endemic areas in Yunnan Province. Methods According to the distribution of Oncomelania hupensis snails and characteristics of human and ani-mal activities in recent five years 6 schistosomiasis endemic villages in Weishan Nanjian and Midu counties 2 villages each county were selected as the investigated areas and more than 4 hm2 area with snails around each village were investigated for the types and densities of wild feces. The schistosome infested feces was detected with the hatching method. Results Totally 63 hm2 were investigated and 420 wild feces were found in all kinds of environments. The densities of wild feces were 0.066 7 piles/100 m2 and the densities of wild feces of the road and the hillside were the highest 0.098 7 piles/100 m2 and 0.088 0 piles/100 m2 respectively . Totally 260 fresh wild feces were collected including the feces of human being cattle horse dog sheep and pig and the feces of cattle and dog was the most 37.38%and 30.71% respectively . No schistosome positive feces was found. Conclusions There are a lot of wild feces in snail areas in Yunnan Province and the risk of schistosomiasis transmission is still high. Therefore we should strengthen the banning grazing measures and the investigation of dogs.
Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control
Wild feces investigation
Yunnan Province