
堆肥预处理对松木屑厌氧发酵的影响 被引量:3

Influence of Composting Pretreatment on Dry Anaerobic Digestion of Pine Sawdust
摘要 针对目前针叶类林木松树厌氧发酵前预处理效果差、成本高的问题,在添加食品废弃物的条件下,研究好氧堆肥方法对松木屑(6.35 mm、9.53 mm和12.70 mm)和食品废弃物混合物料的预处理效果,以及对后续干式厌氧发酵过程的影响。研究结果表明,好氧堆肥过程对松木屑的预处理效果明显,但随着松木屑粒径的增大预处理效果降低;经堆肥预处理后物料的厌氧发酵原料的VS产气率均维持在199~215 L/kg范围内,约为未预处理组的1.4倍,而且发酵后物料中的VFA总量均维持在24.5左右,约为未堆肥预处理组的1.5倍,后续产气潜力更大。 The effects of aerobic composting pretreatment on the mixed material of pine sawdust (6.35 mm,9.53 mm, 12.70 mm) and food wastes and the influence on subsequent dry anaerobic digestion were studied by adding the food wastes aiming at the problems of the less effects and the high costs of pretreatment of conifer pine before anaerobic digestion. The experimental results showed that the pretreatment effects of aerobic composting process on the pine sawdust were obvious. But the pretreatment effects decreased with the increase of particle size of pine sawdust. The biogas production rates of anaerobic digestion of the raw materials, which were pretreated by aerobic composting, were all within the ranges of 199 -215 L/kg, about 140% of unpretreated samples. And the total volatile fatty acid of the material, which had more subsequent potential for generating biogas, were all 24.5 or so after anaerobic digestion, about 150% of unpretreated samples.
出处 《农业机械学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第8期197-200,320,共5页 Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
基金 '十二五'国家科技支撑计划资助项目(2011BAD15B04)
关键词 松木屑 食品废弃物 干式厌氧发酵 堆肥预处理 Pine sawdust Food wastes Dry anaerobic digestion Composting pretreatment
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