

Preliminary Quantitative Analysis of Happiness from Housing Wealth and Financial Assets
摘要 基于我国首次较详尽的家庭金融微观调查数据,探讨了家庭房屋价值、车辆价值、其他非金融资产以及金融资产和社保账户等对幸福感的影响。经过初步回归发现,是否拥有自有住房、车辆,房屋数量、房屋价值高低和金融资产规模等对居民幸福感都存在显著影响。此外,结合人口统计学变量分析,表明对于处于36-50年龄段的中年人而言,住房价值与车辆价值对幸福感的提升作用较强,而较为年轻的一群人更多的关注是有无住房,50岁以上的人群幸福感更多的取决于住房数量。 Is financial asset, nonfinancia] asset affect happiness ? Via micro data, and ordered prohit model draw some conclusions. Ownership of house and vehicle, numbers of house and vehicle affect happiness significantly. Otherwise, for age between 36-50, prices of house and vehicle raise happiness strongly ; younger ones pay more attention to homeownership. Age above 50 depend their happiness more on numbers of houses.
作者 荣明杰
出处 《广东农工商职业技术学院学报》 2014年第3期47-53,共7页 Journal of Guangdong Agriculture Industry Business Polytechnic
关键词 幸福感 房地产财富 金融资产 happiness wealth from real estates financial assets
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