

Business Process Modeling and Analyzing Based on XAr/T-net
摘要 Petri网是对业务流程进行描述和分析的有效工具,但已有的基于Petri网的建模方法无法体现流程中关键业务数据的变化。Artifact作为业务流程中的数据实体,是具有嵌套结构的复杂数据对象。用一种图形化的XML模式定义语言描述Artifact的结构。将XML文档的操作与Petri网流程的定义相结合,对以Artifact为中心的业务流程建立一种可计算的XAr/T-net模型。在XAr/T-net模型的基础上,分析业务流程逻辑结构,并采用覆盖图分析Artifact的特性。 Petri net is an effective tool to describe and analyze business processes, but existing Petri net-based modeling approach can not reflect the flow of business data. Artifact is the key data entity in business processes and has complex nested structure. Artifact structure and operations were defined with graphical XML schema definition language. A corn-putable model named XAr/T-net was presented based on the combination of XML document and process definition with Petri net. The business process structures and the Artifact features were analyzed using the coverability graph in Petri net.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第7期86-90,共5页 Computer Science
基金 河北省自然科学基金(F2011203092) 秦皇岛科技支撑计划项目(201302A038)资助
关键词 以Artifact为中心 PETRI网 XAr T-net模型 业务流程分析 Artifact-centered, Petrinet, XAr/T-net, Business processes analyzing
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