目的评价抗菌药物应用现状和趋势,为临床合理用药提供参考。方法提取2010-2013年本院医院信息系统(HIS)的出库数据,对抗菌药物的销售金额、用药频度(DDDs)和限定日费用(DDC)进行回顾性分析。结果 2010-2013年抗菌药物销售金额占药品销售金额的比例分别为35.99%、26.47%、14.69%和14.52%,各类抗菌药物销售金额中头孢菌素类和β-内酰胺酶抑制药一直居前列,头孢西丁钠和哌拉西林他唑巴坦的销售金额迅速增长,连续3年居抗菌药物销售金额排序第1、2位;2010-2013年各类抗菌药物总DDDs排序中头孢菌素类和大环内酯类一直居前列,抗真菌药物DDDs呈增加趋势,喹诺酮类与硝基咪唑类则呈下降趋势,抗菌药物DDDs排序中克拉霉素片、阿奇霉素肠溶胶囊及罗红霉素胶囊居于前列;2011-2013年头孢呋辛的DDC由15.37增长到68.06。结论 2010-2013年本院抗菌药物销售金额占药品销售金额逐年降低,抗菌药物应用中以头孢菌素类为主,抗真菌药持续增长,大环内酯类和青霉素类保持在较高的水平。
Objective To study the status quo and tendency of the utilization of antibiotics in our hospital in order to provide reference for clinical rational drug use.Methods A retrospective analysis was performed on the consumption sum,DDDs and defined daily cost(DDC)of antibiotics,which taken from HIS system in drug storehouse from 2010 to 2013.Results 2010-2013,the antimicrobial drug sales in proportion to the amount of drug sales were 35.99%,26.47%,14.69%and 14.52%respectively.Cephalosporins andβ-lactamase inhibitor have been in the forefront of the antimicrobial agents in the sales amount.The sales amount of Cefoxitin sodium and Piperacillin/tazobactam has rapid growth,for three consecutive years of antimicrobial agents in the sales amount ordering frist and second.2010-2013,Cephalosporins and Macrolides antibiotics has been in the forefront on the sorting of DDDs.The DDDs of antifungal drugs increased year by year,quinolones and nitroimidazoles was declining.The DDDs of Clarithromycin tablets,Azithromycin enteric-coated capsules and Roxithromycin Capsules in the front row.2011-2013,the DDC of Cefuroxime increased the larger from 15.37 to 68.06.Conclusion The antibacterial drug sales amount of drug sales amount is reduced year by year from 2010 to 2013,and the application of antimicrobial agents is given priority to Cephalosporins,Antifungal drug sustained growth,Macrolides antibiotics and Penicillins keep at a high level.
Chongqing medicine