

Policy and Initiatives of European Union on Promoting Research and Innovation in Its Rural Community
摘要 欧盟农村发展计划及其农村发展行动联合计划(Leader计划),有效促进了欧盟农村创新体系各主体之间的合作,推动了农村社会化创新,是欧盟推动农村发展的一种创新陛政策实践。通过对欧盟Leader计划、欧盟农村发展计划及推动农村社会创新的政策措施等进行研究分析,提出了推动我国农村社会化创新的建议:充分发挥农民的主观能动性,推进农村社会创新;利用经济刺激手段,提高农产品质量;实施生态补偿,引导农民保护环境;建立公私合作伙伴机制,促进农村社会化创新。 The EU Rural Development Programme and the LEADER Program effectively promoted the cooperation among all the main players of rural innovation systems, and accelerated the rural social innovation, which is an innovation practice of EU to drive its rural development. This paper studies the Leader Program and the Rural Development Programs of EU, and proposes some ideas for promoting Chinese rural social innovation:fully unleash farmers’ initiatives to promote rural social innovation; use economic incentives to improve agricultural quality; give ecological compensation to encourage farmers to protect the environment; develop public-private partnership to promote rural social innovation.
作者 曹建如
出处 《全球科技经济瞭望》 2014年第6期39-44,51,共7页 Global Science,Technology and Economy Outlook
关键词 欧盟 农村社会化 科技创新 政策举措 European Union rural socialization research and innovation policy and initiatives
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