采用PCR测序与PCR-RFLP技术,研究了SLC24A5基因变异与他留乌骨鸡羽色及肤色的关系。通过对他留乌骨鸡麻羽、白羽和黑羽3个品系以及乌骨与非乌骨2个类型的SLC24A5基因个体测序,共检测到19个SNP位点,其中3个位点引起氨基酸变异。采用每个品系或类型PCR扩增池测序技术,确定了每个SNP位点在不同品系或类型的基因频率,在分析基因频率差异及SNP变异特性的基础上,针对G482C位点,建立了Nhe I mismatch PCR-RFLP分子标记。利用该遗传标记对所有受试个体进行基因分型,并分析其与羽色肤色性状的相关性。结果表明,SLC24A5基因Nhe I mismatch PCR-RFLP分子标记与肤色性状显著相关。
Association of SLC24A5 polymorphisms with plumage and skin color was investigated in Taliu blackbone chicken through PCR sequencing and PCR-RFLP technique. A total of 19 SNPs,three of which are missense mutations,were observed in DNA direct sequencing of SLC24A5 gene. Gene frequencies of every SNP were determinedby pooling sequencing of PCR products from three plumage color strains(grey-dotted,white and black)and two skintypes(normal and black bone). Based on allele frequency difference and characteristics of the SNPs,NheⅠ mismatchPCR-RFLPs were established for the SNP G482 C. All chicken with recorded plumage and skin color were genotyped,and association of SLC24A5 gene with plumage and skin color were examined using these genetic markers. The resultsshowed that SLC24 A NheⅠ mismatch PCR-RFLP significantly associated with skin color in Taliu black bone chicken.
China Poultry