
心外膜窦房结电图指导窦房结细胞取材的价值 被引量:1

Value of sampling sinoatrial node cells by sinus node electrogram through epicardium
摘要 目的探索经心外膜窦房结电图指导窦房结细胞取材的准确性。方法长白山乳猪12只,行心外膜窦房结电图标测,A波前出现圆顶形或上斜形波形为窦房结电图,又称为"P前波",于"P前波"处取材行窦房结细胞培养及超极化激活环核苷酸门控阳离子通道(HCN4)免疫荧光定量测定。结果窦房结电图指导下窦房结细胞取材,培养的细胞有3种形态,即梭形、三角形与不规则形。培养梭形细胞较多,搏动频率较快;同时免疫荧光证实HCN4通道蛋白密度较高。结论窦房结电图提高窦房结细胞的取材的准确性。 Objective To investigate the accuracy of sampling the sinoatrial node cells by sinus node electrogram through epicardium.Methods Changbai Mountain neonatal pigs 12 received epicardial electrographic mapping of sinoatrial node.The sinus node electrogram of the upslope and dome shape was obtained in front of A wave,which is also known as pre-P wave.Relying on the pre-P wave location,sinoatrial node cells were sampled for cell culture and hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated(HCN) 4 channels quantitative determination by immune fluorescence.Results Three different types of cells were observed among the cultured sinus node cells,including spindle,triangular and irregular cells under the guide of sinus node electrogram.Sinoatrial node cells was obtained under the guidance of sinus node electrogram,the spindle cells took up the greatest proportion,had the fastest beats,and immunofluorescence staining confirmed more high density against HCN4 channel protein.Conclusion Sinus node electrogram improved sampling accuracy of sinoatrial node cells.
出处 《临床荟萃》 CAS 2014年第9期1025-1027,共3页 Clinical Focus
关键词 窦房结 心电描记术 细胞培养技术 sinoatrial node electrocardiography cell culture techniques
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