目的 探讨一种保留供区(母)趾长度的Ⅱb度拇指缺损再造的手术方法和疗效. 方法 2012年3月至2014年2月,对11例Ⅱb度的拇指缺损(根据顾玉东分型法)采用游离的同侧(母)甲瓣加同侧游离的髂骨条进行再造,其中8例为闭合创口,3例为开放创口.供区(母)趾皮肤缺损采用游离的同侧旋髂浅动脉穿支皮瓣修复,腹部供区直接缝合. 结果 术后11例再造拇指全部成活,11例皮瓣有1例出现动脉危象,2例出现静脉危象,经过手术探查后全部成活,术后随访3~15个月,再造拇指外观良好,感觉恢复S3+,两点辨别觉6~8 mm,拇指对掌、对指功能良好,根据中华医学会手外科学会手部功能评定标准:优8例,良3例,供区(母)趾皮瓣色泽、质地较满意,但略显臃肿,不影响行走及跑步,有4例患者进行了皮瓣修整,外观更加良好,腹部只存留一线性瘢痕,无明显不适. 结论 用游离同侧(母)甲瓣加游离的同侧髂骨条再造Ⅱb型拇指缺损,游离同侧旋髂浅动脉穿支皮瓣修复供区皮肤缺损,再造拇指外观功能良好..
Objective To evaluate the clinical outcome of a method of renconstruction of Type Ⅱb defect of thumb both and reserving the length of the donor toe.Methods From March 2012 to Febrary 2014,there were 11 cases of thumb defect treated in our hospital.According to Gu Yudong's classification,all were type Ⅱ b.Three were open defect and others were closed defect.All were treated with combined transfer of big toe wrap-around flap and autogenous iliac graft for thumb reconstruction while a superficial circumflex iliac artery perforator flap was used to resurface the donor defect.The donor site of the belly was sutured directly.Results All of the reconstructed thumb survived.Among 11 flaps,arterial crisis occurrred in 1 case,venous crisis occurred in 2 cases,and all survived after operative treatment.The patients were followed-up from 3 mooths to 15 months,all the thumbs had a good appearance.The thumb opposition function was good and sensation recovery to S3 + and two-point discrimination from 6-8 mm.The donor big-toe was preserved.All the flaps had satisfactory color and texture,but looked a little plump.All the patients had no effect on walking and running.Four flaps had more beautiful appearance after flap plastic.There was only one linear scar on the belly donor without any discomfort.Conclusion It is an effective method of combined transfer of big toe wrap-around flap and autogenous iliac graft while a superficial circumflex iliac artery perforator flap was used to resurface the donor defect used to reconstrucution of Type Ⅱ b defect of thumb is very good.
Chinese Journal of Microsurgery
Thumb defect
Superficial circumflex iliac artery
Perforator flap