
南京地区34家医院2010—2012年用药情况分析 被引量:4

Drug-use analysis in 34 hospitals of Nanjing area from 2010 to 2012
摘要 目的了解、分析南京地区2010—2012年医院用药状况及发展趋势。方法对南京地区34家样本医院三年来用药金额、所占百分比、增长率等进行统计分析。结果南京地区医院用药金额2011年增长率为17.23%,2012年为19.04%。其中抗感染药物增长率逐年下降,2011年出现负增长(-1.66%)。各类药品在用药金额中所占百分比基本稳定,前3位的仍然是抗感染药物、心血管药物、抗肿瘤药物;神经系统药物增长较快,为第4位。其中国产药仍占主导地位,占有率稳定在63%左右;合资药约占17%,进口药约占20%。结论南京地区医院用药金额逐年增长但增幅放缓,用药结构基本稳定。 AIM To investigate the drug use in hospitals of Nanjing during 2010 - 2012 and to analyze its trend. METHODS By sequencing method, statistically analyzed the medicine consumption, market share as well as the growth rate in the last three years in 34 hospitals of Nanjing area. RESULTS Annual medicine amount prescribed by hospitals in Nanjing area increased by 17.23% in 2011 and 19.04% in 2012. Whereas the growth rate of anti-infective drugs decreased year by year with a negative value of -1.66% in 2011. The total amount of all categories was basically stable. The top three remained anti-infective drugs, cardiovascular drugs, and antineoplastic drugs. The sales of nervous system drugs increased rapidly, presently ranking in the fourth place. Chinese domestic pharmaceuticals was still dominant, accounting for about 63% of the hospital market, with the joint venture products about 17% and imported drugs about 20%. CONCLUSION Medicine amount prescribed by hospitals in Nanjing area increased year by year, but the growth rate is decreasing. The consumption percent of all categories remained unchanged.
作者 缪宁梅 陶琳
出处 《中国新药与临床杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第8期625-628,共4页 Chinese Journal of New Drugs and Clinical Remedies
关键词 药物利用 医院 经济学 药物 南京地区 drug utilization hospitals economics, pharmaceuticals Nanjing area
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