
ProTaper专用牙胶与普通大锥度牙胶在根管充填中的临床应用 被引量:8

Comparison of ProTaper gutta percha and general taper gutta percha in root canal obturation
摘要 目的:探讨ProTaper专用牙胶及普通大锥度牙胶在临床中的应用方法及效果。方法:离体单根管恒牙132个,粗、细根管各66个,分别随机分为6组,每组10个,余12个分别作为阳性和阴性对照;比较普通大锥度牙胶尖(Genl-主尖)和ProTaper专用牙胶尖(Pro-主尖)在根管充填效率和封闭性方面的差异;结合染料渗透法和透明标本法,测量根尖微渗漏长度以评价各组根尖封闭能力。结果:细根管Pro-主尖和Genl-主尖在充填时间及根尖封闭性方面无显著差异;粗根管:使用Pro-主尖进行冷侧压充填比使用Genl-主尖更节省充填时间,但两者根尖封闭性方面无显著差别,粗大根管用热牙胶充填法更节省时间;使用Pro-主尖或Genl-主尖进行单尖充填的根尖封闭效果均不佳。结论:ProTaper专用牙胶尖不适合进行单尖充填;对于较粗大根管进行冷侧压充填,使用ProTaper专用牙胶较使用普通锥度牙胶更节省充填时间。 AIM:To compare the effects of ProTaper gutta percha (Pro-gutta)and general gutta percha (Genl-gutta)in the obturation of root canals.METHODS:132 extracted single-rooted teeth (66 with large and 66 with small diameter root canal)were used in this study.The small and large diameter root canal teeth were randomly divided into 6 groups(n=10),other 12 teeth were used as the controls.After root canal preparation,the canals were filled with Pro-gutta and Genl-gutta respectively.Root canal obturation and apical microleakage were evaluated by X-ray examination and dye penetration.RESULTS:For small diameter root canals,no difference was found between Pro-gutta and Genl-gutta groups in operation time and apical sealing ability.For large diameter root canals,the two groups showed similar apical sealing ability.But it took less time using Pro-gutta than using Genl-gutter by lateral pressure obturation method.No difference was found in operation time between the two groups by warm vertical conden-sation method.CONCLUSION:It takes less operation time for obturation of large diameter root canals using ProTaper gutta percha with lateral pressure obturation technique.
出处 《牙体牙髓牙周病学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第7期399-402,共4页 Chinese Journal of Conservative Dentistry
关键词 ProTaper专用牙胶 充填时间 染料渗入法 透明标本法 根尖封闭 ProTaper dedicated gutta percha general taper gutta percha time of obturation infiltration and clearing technique apical sealing ability
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