
不同方法去除根管内氢氧化钙封药的体外研究 被引量:4

Removal of calcium hydroxide from root canals by different methods: an in vitro study
摘要 目的:研究不同方法去除直根管和弯曲根管内氢氧化钙封药的差异。方法:建立直根管、弯曲根管的体外标准化模型,用根管锉、超声冲洗器械、EndoActivator配合注射器冲洗去除根管内氢氧化钙封药,随后打开模型,体视显微镜下拍照,软件测量,计算氢氧化钙残余量并进行统计分析。结果:不同方法去除氢氧化钙能力:直根管中K锉≈EndoActivator≈P5>直接冲洗;弯曲根管中EndoActivator≈预弯P5>P5>预弯K锉>K锉>直接冲洗。弯曲根管与直根管之间,K锉组、P5组、EndoActivaor组之间均有显著差异(P<0.05)。结论:3种方法均不能完全去除根管内氢氧化钙,EndoActivaor是去除根管内氢氧化钙的较好方法。 AIM:To compare the efficacy of different techniques in the removal of calcium hydroxide〔Ca (OH)2〕in straight and curved root canals.METHODS:The straight and curved root canal models were established using extracted tooth roots.K file,ultrasonic and EndoActivator were respectively used for the removal of Ca(OH)2 (n=10).The residual Ca(OH)2 was observed by stereomicroscope,the percentage of residual Ca(OH)2 was analyzed and calculated using the photographs taken by camera attached to stereomicroscope.RESULTS:In straight root canal models,the Ca(OH)2 removal efficacy was in the following order:EndoActivator≈P5 ≈asmall K file 〉irrigation;while in curved root canal models,EndoActivator≈precurved P5 〉P 〉pre-curved small K file〉small K file〉irriga-tion.The percentage of residual Ca(OH)2 in the curved canals was higher than that in straight canals (P〈0.05 ). CONCLUSION:EndoActivaor is the most effective for Ca(OH)2 removal.But none of methods used can completely remove Ca(OH)2 in root canal.
出处 《牙体牙髓牙周病学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第7期407-410,共4页 Chinese Journal of Conservative Dentistry
基金 国家自然科学基金(81200781)
关键词 氢氧化钙 直根管 弯曲根管 超声 EndoActivator calcium hydroxide straight root canals curved root canals ultrasonic EndoActivator
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