
电纺丝技术制备组织工程食管仿生支架 被引量:3

Preparation of tissue-engineered esophageal scaffolds using electrospinning technology
摘要 背景:前期实验中曾发现纤维的取向可以引导平滑肌细胞的取向生长,因此,设想通过制备取向排列的电纺丝纤维支架,以引导食管平滑肌细胞的有序生长,从而有利于维持肌细胞的形貌及生物功能。目的:以可降解聚己内酯、明胶、丝素蛋白为基材,采用自制的电纺丝系统制备无规和有序的纳米级多孔纤维。方法:将聚己内酯与丝素蛋白以4∶1质量比混合,通过调整溶液浓度、电压、喷射速度等参数,采用自制的电纺丝系统制备聚己内酯/丝素蛋白电纺丝纤维。将聚己内酯与明胶分别以2∶1、1∶1、1∶2质量比混合,在金属平板接收器下,通过调整溶液浓度、电压、喷射速度等参数,采用自制的电纺丝系统制备聚己内酯/明胶无规电纺丝纤维;同时改用滚轴接收装置,通过调整滚轴转数、电压、喷射速度等参数,制备聚己内酯/明胶有序电纺丝纤维。结果与结论:在溶液质量浓度为0.08 g/mL、纺丝液流速1.6 mL/h和电压22.5 kV的条件下,制得了均匀、无串珠、纤维直径为(535.9±126.7)nm的聚己内酯/丝素蛋白多孔纳米纤维膜。在溶液质量浓度为0.10 g/mL、纺丝液流速0.8 mL/h和电压22.5 kV的条件下,制得了无明显串珠、纤维直径为(257.9±117.8)nm的聚己内酯/明胶多孔纳米纤维膜;并且在1∶2质量比时更易成纤维,纤维尺寸更均匀。在滚轴转速3 000 r/min。溶液流速0.8 mL/h。电压15 kV的条件下,制得的聚己内酯/明胶有序电纺丝纤维排序更理想,纤维也更均匀。 BACKGROUND: We have found that oriented fibers can guide the alignment of smooth muscle cells in our previous experiments. Thus, we designed the experiment to prepare well aligned polymeric fibers using electrospinning technology, aiming at guiding the growth of esophageal smooth muscle cells to maintain cell morphology and biological function. OBJECTIVE: Using electrospinning technology, to fabricate isotropic and directed nano-fibrous scaffolds made of polycaprolacton, gelatin and silk fibroin. METHODS: Polycaprolacton/silk flbroin fibers at a ratio of 4:1 were prepared with proper parameters, including solution concentration, voltage and injection speed, under the self-made spinning system. The polycaprolacton/ gelatin sheets with mass ratio of 2:1, 1:1 and 1:2, respectively, were also fabricated under suitable process parameters. Using the roller collector instead of the metal plate, polycaprolacton/gelatin nano-fibrous scaffold with good alignment of fibers was manufactured. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The isotropic polycaprolacton/silk fibroin scaffold with fiber diameter of (535.9±126.7) nm was prepared under conditions of solution concentration (0.08 g/mL), injection speed (1.6 mL/h) and voltage (22.5 kV), and these fibers were uniform with no beads. The isotropic polycaprolacton/gelatin scaffoldwith fiber diameter of (257.9±117.8) nm was prepared under conditions of solution concentration (0.10 g/mL), injection speed (0.8 mL/h) and voltage (22.5 kV). Using the roller collector instead of the previous metal plate, polycaprolacton/ gelatin (w:w, 1:2) nano-fibrous scaffold with good alignment of fibers was manufactured. The process parameters were 3 000 r/min of rolling speed, 0.8 mL/h of injection speed and 15 kV of voltage.
机构地区 宁波大学医学院
出处 《中国组织工程研究》 CAS CSCD 2014年第30期4771-4776,共6页 Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research
基金 国家自然科学基金(81171476) 宁波市创新团队项目(2011B82014) 宁波市社发项目(2013C50031)~~
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