目的分析法医尸体检验后送检器官的病理学特征,总结此类案件的特点。方法对宝鸡市法医送检358例尸体解剖器官标本进行常规检查并进行组织病理学诊断。结果 358例中以青壮年男性为主,死亡原因主要为创伤、猝死、中毒。组织学能明确死亡原因250例,无典型组织学病变101例,组织自溶腐败7例。病理诊断以心血管疾病为主,其次为呼吸、神经、消化系统疾病。结论法医解剖具有专业特点,与病理解剖不尽相同。组织病理学检验进行死亡原因诊断时,应积极与法医沟通,以充分掌握案情、死亡经过及特定的法医病理学特征。
Objective To analyze pathological characteristics of organs recovered during forensic autopsysubmitted by legal medicine experts. Methods From Baoji city, 358 cases of forensic autopsy specimensfrom a series of routine exams were collected. And histopathological diagnoses were reviewed. ResultsMajority of the 358 cases were young men. The major causes of death were trauma, sudden death andpoisoning. The cause of death was determined with histology in 250 cases. No typical histologicalchanges were noted in 101 cases. The tissue autolysis and decomposition were present in 7 cases. Themajor pathological diagnosis was cardiovascular disease, followed by diseases in respiratory, nervous, anddigestive systems. Conclusion Forensic autopsy with its professional characteristics, is different from reg-ular autopsy. When diagnosing cause of death by histopathological examination, pathologists should col-laborate with legal medicine experts to know the details of the cases, circumstances surrounding thedeath, and specific forensic pathological characteristics.
Journal of Forensic Medicine