
新加坡社会政策理念探析 被引量:1

The Idea of Social Policy in Singapore
摘要 新加坡主张实行个人、家庭、社会共同承担责任的社会政策,其社会政策理念的基本内涵包括:机会平等优先于财富平等,个人责任为先,政府作为个人和家庭的规范者与支持者。之所以形成这样的社会政策理念,是受到新加坡移民社会文化、实用主义治国方针和对民主社会主义的理解等因素的影响。对机会平等的追求和个人责任的规定使新加坡取得社会进步的同时避免了福利国家的政府负担。 In Singapore,social policy emphasizes that individual,family and the society share responsibility. The idea of social poli-cy has three basic connotations:equal opportunity takes precedence over equality of wealth;personal liability is prior;and the government plays the role of standard and supporter for individual and family. Some factors led to this,such as immigrant social cultural,pragmatic approach to governing the country and the comprehension of democratic socialism. It helps Singapore to gain social progress to pursue e-qual opportunity and formulate personal liability. Furthermore,it makes Singapore avoid the burden of the government of welfare state.
作者 魏炜
出处 《赣南师范学院学报》 2014年第4期38-41,共4页 Journal of Gannan Teachers' College(Social Science(2))
基金 国家社科基金项目(08CSS004)
关键词 新加坡 社会政策 理念 Singapore social policy idea
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