
考虑碳排放的闭环供应链收益波动分析 被引量:13

Revenue fluctuation analysis of closed-loop supply chain considered carbon emissions
摘要 在考虑回收质量的回收定价策略下,构建了四种回收情境来研究不同回收模式和市场主导力量对闭环供应链碳排放和收益的影响。采用Stackelberg博弈,在分散决策下比较分析不同情境中影响批发价格、零售价格及回收价格的波动因子,由此研究闭环供应链的碳排放和收益的波动规律。研究表明:新产品和再造品的批发价格、零售价格与市场主导力量相关但不受回收模式的影响,而回收价格则与回收质量、排放因子、回收转移价格和回收品的可利用性具有直接相关性。通过数值分析,深入探讨了在生产与运输单位排放量作用下的闭环供应链总利润和总排放的波动趋势,从而为企业在权衡各方利益与降低碳排放方面提供指导。 Under the recovery price strategy by considerating recovery quality, four recovery scenarios was constructed to research the influenee of different recovery modes and market power on the carbon emission and profitability of Closed-loop Supply Chain (CLSC). Under decentralized decision-making, the fluctuation factors impacted on wholesale prices, retail prices, and recycling prices in different contexts were compared by using Stackelberg game, and the fluctuation rules of the revenue and carbon emissions were studied. The research showed that the wholesale and retail prices of remanufactured products were related to market power, while not influenced by recovery modes. Recycling price was directly related to the recovery quality, carbon emissions, transfer price and recovery feasibility. The fluctuation trend of CLSC total profit and total emissions were discussed under emissions of production and transportation units through numerical analysis, which could provide guidance [or balancing the interests of all parties and reducing carbon emissions.
出处 《计算机集成制造系统》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第8期2008-2018,共11页 Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems
基金 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金资助项目(580-413007-0301) 科技部科技人员服务企业计划资助项目(2009GJA10039)~~
关键词 回收模式 市场力量 回收质量 碳排放 收益波动 供应链 recovery modes market power recovery quality carbon emissions revenue luctuation supply chains
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