针对红霉素生产废水成分复杂、悬浮物(SS)含量高、有机物含量高、含有生物抑制性物质、生物降解性不好的特点,采用“UASB(上流式厌氧污泥床)+CASS(循环式活性污泥法)+FENTON氧化+BAF(曝气生物滤池)”的组合工艺进行治理.调试运行结果表明,经该工艺处理后,废水COD由4500 ~ 5000mg/L降至30~40mg/L,氨氮(NH3-N)由300~ 500mg/L降至2~3mg/L,悬浮物(sS)由800~ 1000mg/L降至5~10mg/L,达到《山东省南水北调沿线水污染物综合排放标准》(DB37/599-2006)重点保护区修改单通知的排放标准.
Considering that the erythromycin wastewater contains complicated compositions, high concentrations of organic compounds and suspended solids ( SS), and lots of pollutants difficult to degrade by microorganism, UASB ( Up - flow Anaerobic Sludge Bed) + CASS ( Cycling Activated Sludge System) + FENTON + BAF ( Biological Aerated Filter) were applied to treat the wastewater. The COD of the effluent which has been treated by this process is decreased from 4500 - 5000mg/L to 30 -40mg/L, NH3 - N is deceased from 300 - 500mg/L to 2 - 3mg/L, SS is deceased from 800 - 1000mg/L to 5 - 10mg/L. The effluent water quality meets the Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard revised for important protection districts of south- to- north water division project in Shandong province( DB37/599 -2006).
Shandong Chemical Industry