
空间立体角“准均匀分布”导航星表划分 被引量:3

Division of guide star catalogue based on space solid angle“quasi uniform distribution”
摘要 为了建立更高性能的导航星表,分析了现有导航星表划分方法的优缺点,提出了一种合理划分导航星表的新方法。该方法以块空间立体角"准均匀分布"为原则,以天球赤道某区域所对应空间立体角大小为基准,将全天球依序划分为若干个子块,从而实现了一种分布均匀性更好的导航星表。仿真实验数据表明:以赤道上15°×15°所对应空间立体角为例,按空间立体角"准均匀分布"法划分天球后,最大子块和最小子块所对应的空间立体角变化范围相差22.86%,均方根(RMS)值为0.060 3,其均匀性远高于内接正方体法划分天球的均匀性。该方法为验证星图识别环节中模拟星图的快速生成和进一步筛选导航星奠定了基础。 To establish a higher performance guide star catalogue,the advantages and disadvantages of existing guide star catalogues were analyzed,a reasonable division method for guide star catalogues was proposed.Following the principle of block space solid angle "Quasi Uniform Distribution",the method divided the celestial sphere into some sub blocks in a sequence by using a space solid angle corresponding to certain region of the celestial equator for a reference,so that a more uniform distribution of guide star catalogue was achieved.By taking a space solid angle corresponding to the 15°× 15 °as an example,the simulation experiment was performed and the results show that the changed scope of maximum sub block and minimal block is 22.86%,the Root Mean Square(RMS) value is 0.0603,and the uniformity is better than that of the inscribed cube method when the space solid angle "quasi uniform distribution" algorithm is used.The proposed method lays a foundation for the rapid generation of star chart and selection of guide star in identification and simulation star chars.
出处 《光学精密工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第8期2242-2246,共5页 Optics and Precision Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金青年基金资助项目(No.61008046)
关键词 导航星表 星敏感器 星图识别 空间立体角 guide star catalogue star sensor star pattern recognition space solid angle
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