
从欧洲化到苏维埃化的跨欧亚帝国治理:关于欧亚主义的论述 被引量:5

The Cross-Europe-Asia Empire Governance from Europeanization to Sovietization: Discussion on Eurasianism
摘要 1920-30年代,有一批俄侨知识分子务实面对苏维埃化了的俄罗斯,力图重建关于俄罗斯帝国——苏维埃国家之认知,因而出现了欧亚主义运动。以特鲁别茨柯依为代表的欧亚主义思想家们,并非在海外闭门造车,而是立足于复杂的历史经纬,具体论述了欧化治理方式的不合时宜性,包括俄罗斯文化和欧洲文化之差别、俄罗斯东正教与欧洲基督教之不同、俄国地理位置的跨欧亚性等。他们还以此来证明苏维埃制度的合法性,肯定其终止欧化进程的必要性和意义。俄侨知识分子的构成复杂,关于欧亚主义的相关论述也充满了矛盾。数十年间,欧亚主义思潮在苏俄境内默默无闻,可是在后苏联时代,随着白银时代和俄侨文化遗产的再发现,以及俄国融入欧洲的过程困难重重,它却在俄联邦各阶层又产生了广泛的影响。 From 1920s till 1930s, facing the sovietized Russia, a group of Russian overseas intellectuals strived to reconstruct the perception of Russian empire and the Soviet state. Under this background, Eurasian movement appeared. Eurasianists, represented by Trubetskoi, were not behind closed doors, but instead discussed specifically the inappropriateness of Europeanized governance based on the complex history, including the differences between Russian and European culture, differences between Russian Orthodox and European Christianity, as well as the geographic location of Russia. Meanwhile, they also tried to prove the legitimacy of the Soviet system, and affirmed the necessity and significance in terminating the Europeanization process. The structure of overseas Russian intellectuals is complex and accordingly the related discourses on Eurasianism are also quite contradictory. During the past few decades, the Eurasian ideologies have been unknown within the territory of the Soviet Union. Nevertheless, during the post-Soviet era, with the Silver Age and the rediscovery of Russian emigrants' cultural heritages, in addition to various difficulties of Russia when integrating into Europe, it has again had wide influences.
作者 林精华
出处 《俄罗斯研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期138-188,共51页 Russian Studies
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目"20世纪早期俄国思想史"(项目批准号:11JJDGJW007)的阶段性成果
关键词 跨欧亚疆域 帝国治理 欧化 苏维埃政权 Territory across Eurasia, Empire Govemance,Europeanization, Soviet Regime
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