
北京鸭采食行为及其剩余采食量与部分经济性状的相关研究 被引量:9

Study on Feeding Behavior and the Relationship between Residual Feed Intake and Some Economic Traits in Peking Ducks
摘要 研究利用全自动饲料消耗测定系统记录了111只北京鸭21~42日龄的采食时间、采食次数及采食量并进行统计分析得出其采食规律。结果表明:鸭群进入不同位置测定站的次数有显著差异。肉鸭基本全天采食,在4∶00以后采食次数开始增加,至6∶00~8∶00达到全天采食高峰,16∶00~18∶00达到全天第二个采食高峰,18∶00~20∶00是全天采食次数最少的时段。剩余采食量呈正态分布,表明在现有群体中改良饲料转化效率有很大空间。剩余采食量与饲料转化率呈中度相关(R=0.52)。研究发现采食量是影响剩余采食量的重要因素。 In this study,auto-measuring system for feed consumption was used to record feeding time,feeding frequency and feed intake of 111 Peking ducks during 21 to 42 days of age. The results showed that there was a significant difference in entering frequency among different locations of feeding-measuring stations. In general,duck would take feed during the whole day with different feeding frequencies. The feeding frequencies started to increase from 4∶00 AM and reached the peak during 6∶00 to 8∶00 AM. Second feeding peak started from 4∶00 to 6∶00 PM.The minimal feeding frequency period was 6∶00 to 8∶00 PM. The moderate correlation was observed between residual feed intake(RFI)and feed conversion ratio(R=0.52). The results showed that feed intake was an important factor that influenced RFI.
出处 《中国家禽》 北大核心 2014年第16期8-11,共4页 China Poultry
基金 十二五国家科技支撑计划(2011BAD28B03) 国家现代农业科技成果惠民科技示范工程Z141100002314011
关键词 北京鸭 采食行为 剩余采食量 饲料转化率 Peking duck feed behavior residual feed intake feed conversion ratio
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