目的探索甲型流感的暴发规律及毒株血凝素(hemagglutinin,HA)基因的进化。方法通过分析中国采集并公布的甲型流感病毒基因数据,对中国大陆所有宿主为人、禽类和哺乳动物的HA基因氨基酸序列进行多序列比对,并用于构建HA的系统发育树,同时对中国香港地区的HA基因蛋白序列同样处理;分析不同宿主的HA基因的受选择压力。结果选择中国大陆1 252个HA基因和香港485个HA基因,对其分析发现,自2002年以来,禽流感的暴发次数和频率多于历史记录;系统发育树结果显示中国大陆和香港地的HA基因邻接树的拓扑结构一致;宿主为人的HA基因受选择大于禽类宿主的HA基因。结论不同宿主的HA基因受选择有差异,提示HA基因的快速进化可能会对人类健康产生潜在威胁。
Objective To study the outbreak rules of influenza A virus and the evolution of hemagglutinin (HA). Methods A phylogenetic tree of HA gene was constructed respectively for influenza A virus in China mainland and Hong Kong District of China to analyzed the influenza genome data published in China mainland and compare the HA gene sequences in humans, avian, and mammals in China mainland and Hong Kong District of China. The selection pressure of HA gene from different hosts were analyzed. Results The analysis of 1 252 and 485 HA genes selected from China mainland and Hong Kong District showed that the outbreak times and frequencies of influenza A virus had been more than their historical records since 2002. The phylogenetic trees of HA gene for China mainland and Hong Kong District showed that their topological structure was identical. The selection pressure of HA gene was greater from humans than from avian. Conclusion The selection pressure of HA gene is different from different hosts, suggesting that the rapid evolution of HA gene may pose a potential threat to the health of mankind.
Academic Journal of Chinese PLA Medical School
influenza A virus
population genetics
hemagglutinin gene