
面向产业集群创新的信息服务平台现状调查与分析 被引量:4

Investigation of Information Service Platform Oriented to Industrial Clusters Innovation
摘要 信息服务对产业集群创新至关重要,建立面向产业集群创新的信息服务平台已是共识。对面向产业集群创新的信息服务平台调查表明,政府、行业协会、企业及其联合体是平台建设的主体,产业集群专用平台与行业平台相互结合,共同承担资讯、电子商务、文献、研发设计等功能,形成了相对完善的产业集群信息服务平台体系,但在各类型平台结构、集群专用平台与行业平台互动机制、行业协会的作用、信息服务协同工作机制等问题上还有待进一步探索。 Establishment of information service platform oriented to the innovation of industrial clusters has converged on a common consensus since information services are of great importance to the innovation of industrial clusters. The investigation of information service platform oriented to the top 100 industrial clusters indicates that government, guild, company and its combo are the objects to establish the platform. A relative comprehensive information service platform oriented to industrial clusters, which can provide the functions of information, documents, electronic commerce and mutual R&D, has formed through the integration of private information service platform and industrial information service platform. However, some important issues such as the interactive mechanism of private, industrial information service platform, the homogenization of these platforms et al. should be addressed.
出处 《图书馆学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第17期76-81,16,共7页 Research on Library Science
基金 南昌航空大学博士科研启动项目"信息服务跨系统协同组织中的关键问题研究"(项目编号:EA201109244) 南昌航空大学"三小"学生创新项目"应用产业跟踪路线图方法的江西省LED产业监测研究"(项目编号:201310406016)的研究成果之一
关键词 产业集群 信息服务平台 行业信息服务 industrial clusters information service platform industrial information service
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