
空气源热泵热水机(器)的出水温度及能效标准讨论 被引量:15

Discussion on outlet water temperature and energy efficiency standard of air-source heat pump water heater
摘要 对分别用于采暖和生活热水的空气源热泵,前者的出水温度可以根据使用情况自行确定,而生活热水由于卫生要求的杀菌温度,对于后者我国规定是55℃。然而日常使用的生活热水,往往40℃或45℃就可以满足要求。显然,空气源热泵热水机(器)出水温度越低,COP越高。本着这个原则,本文讨论产生合理的热水温度且满足卫生要求的空气源热泵热水机(器)的出水温度,并提出不同出水温度下空气源热泵热水机(器)的能效标准。 For these two kinds of air-source heat pump,one is used for heating system,and the other for domestic hot water.The outlet water temperature of the former can be determined by the user,and that of the latter is 55 ℃regulated in the Chinese National Standard to satisfy the sanitary requirements.However,40 ℃ or 45 ℃is enough for the domestic hot water of daily life.Obviously,the lower outlet water temperature of the airsource heat pump water heater,the higher of the COP.Based on this principle,the reasonable outlet water temperature of air-source heat pump water heater considering the sanitary requirement is obtained through discussion.Furthermore,the energy efficiency standard at different outlet water temperature of air-source heat pump water heater is put forward.
出处 《制冷与空调》 2014年第8期123-127,共5页 Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning
关键词 热泵热水机(器) 出水温度 军团菌 结垢 能效标准 heat pump water heater outlet water temperature legionnella scaling en-ergy efficiency standard
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