
2014年上半年美国FDA批准药物简介 被引量:4

Overviews and analysis of the U.S. FDA′ s new approvals in 2014 first half year
摘要 2014年上半年美国FDA批准46种新药(包括修改说明书,新剂型,新组方和其他),其中首次批准上市10个新分子实体和生物制品许可申请10个,共计20个。本文根据FDA批准的处方资料的要点,简要介绍新药概况、作用机制、适应证、剂量和用法、黑框警告、禁忌证、不良反应、药物相互作用及特殊人群中使用要点。并讨论了2014上半年批准新药在药物开发、研究和审评使中的首次事件。 In the first half of 2014, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved 46 new drugs, including 10 new molecular entities and 10 new biologic license applications. According to the prescription information for professionals, this article introduces the description, mechanism of action and clinical studies, briefly describs the box warning, indications and usage, dosage and administration, dosage form and strength, contraindications, warning and precautions, adverse reactions, drug interaction and use in special population of these new drugs. In addition, the “first events” in the history of new drug research, development and approval are also discussed.
作者 汤仲明
出处 《国际药学研究杂志》 CAS CSCD 2014年第4期493-502,共10页 Journal of International Pharmaceutical Research
关键词 新药批准 美国FDA 新分子实体 新生物制品 化学结构 作用机制 适应证 不良反应 new drug approval the U.S. FDA new molecular entity new biological products chemical structure mech-anism indications adverse reactions
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