针对厂方提出的设计一个可以实现短信收发与数据无线传输的模块的要求,本文采用了ARM Cortex-M3内核的主流产品STM32作为主控芯片,采用SIMCom公司的SIM900A作为通信芯片。在查阅大量相关文献以及相关芯片的数据手册之后,本文设计了一个远程无线通信模块。该模块在实验室试运行一周后,没有出现掉线的情况,数据收发的速度也很快。该模块具有性能稳定,外形小巧,性价比高等优点。厂方投入使用之后,反应良好。
For the factory's requirements that design a module which is capable of wireless transmission of data and transmission of text messages, this paper usesARM Cortex-M3 core's mainstream product STM32 as the main control chip, SIMCom's SIM900A as the communication chip. After consulting a number of literature and related chips' data book,this paper designed a remote wireless communication module.Tbe module ran in the laboratory for a week,it never lost connection. Apart from that,itsends and receives data very quickly.The module has the advantages of stable performance,compact,high performance price ratio.Then the factory put it into use,they say its very good in response.
Electronic Design Engineering