

A small sized ultra-wide bandwidth antenna with H-shaped nonopole
摘要 设计了一款检测用小尺寸平板超宽带天线,天线为单极结构,天线尺寸为15mm×12mm×1mm。天线基板材料为高性能介电材料Taconic,天线采用H型极子结构,可以有效地调整天线回波损耗曲线,天线背部采用开槽结构,开槽尺寸为12mm×10mm。天线带宽为6GHz^7GHz,天线正向辐射增益达到3.3dBi,具有足够的穿透辐射强度,天线基本性能满足超宽带检测领域的应用要求。 A small sized ultra-wide bandwidth (UWB)panel antenna was designed in this paper fordetection purpose. The monopole antenna size is 15mm × 12mm×1mm. The antenna substrate materialis a kind of high dielectric material Taconic, H-shaped radiating element can effectively adjust return losscurve of this antenna. A slot structure is located in antenna back metal layer, and the slot size is12mm × 10mm. The bandwidth of antenna ranges from 6GHz to 7GHz, and the antenna has a gain of3.3dBi in front direction that can easily penetrate the object to be detected. The antenna has a goodperformance in UWB detection system.
作者 胡冠华
出处 《信息技术》 2014年第8期125-128,共4页 Information Technology
关键词 超宽带 平板天线 检测 UWB panel antenna detection
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