

Issues with Implementation of “Common Core State Standards” in USA and Underlying Reasons
摘要 "州共同核心标准"的实施是美国教育标准化运动的又一步推进。在联邦政府的财政支持下,这一标准得到大部分州的积极响应并得以实施;然而,其在推行过程中,也面临着财政困难、相关教育人士的质疑以及部分父母和教师的反对等问题。这些问题背后的原因包括教育分权体制的深远影响、人们对标准化运动成效的质疑以及对与标准挂钩的评价体制的反对。 The implementing of "Common Core State Standards" (CCSS) in USA is a further step for the Standardized education movement. With the financial support of the Federal Government, the CCSS in USA has positively been favored and implemented by most of the states. The CCSS, however, is confronted with some issues in the process of implementation, such as financial difficulty, queries from educators, and objections from parents and teachers. The underlying reasons are as follows: the far-reaching impact of the separate education system, the query about effects of standardized education movement, and the objection to the evaluation system concerning the standards.
作者 付艳萍
出处 《江苏教育研究》 2014年第8期28-32,共5页 Jiangsu Education Research
基金 国家留学基金的资助
关键词 州共同核心标准 教育标准 美国 Common Core State Standards educational standard USA
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