

The Investigation and Lessons from Foreign Countries about Their Policies and Law Systems on Renewable Energy
摘要 面对气候变化和能源安全的压力,可再生能源是世界各国最具现实性的选择。特别是在能源市场全球化背景下,可再生能源发展政策与法律制度的趋同化为我国学习和借鉴国外成功经验奠定了现实基础。考察欧盟、英国和澳大利亚可再生能源发展的政策与法律制度,提炼出值得我国借鉴的有价值经验,并且总结出我国应当避免的相关教训,对于今后我国可再生能源发展政策与法律制度的构建与完善都具有参考价值。 Under the threat of the climate change and the need of the energy security,all the countries in the world have taken the development of the renewable energy as one of the most pragmatic choices.Especially against a background of globalization of energy market,the convergence among policies and law systems on renewable energy lays the foundations for learning successful experiences of foreign countries.We need to investigate the policies and law systems of EU,Britain and America, work out the valuable experience and profit by their mistakes and avoid them.It is valuable for us to construct and perfect our own policies and law systems on renewable energy.
作者 孙增芹
出处 《胜利油田党校学报》 2014年第4期52-56,共5页 Journal of The Party School of Shengli Oilfield
基金 2013年山东省软科学研究计划项目"山东省可再生能源规模化利用激励政策研究"(2013RKE28005)的阶段性成果
关键词 国外 可再生能源 政策 法律制度 考察 renewable energy policy law systems investigation
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