

The Analysis of “Process” in the Clause from Cardiff Grammar
摘要 以福塞特为代表的加的夫语法是对悉尼语法的发展。两者都体现了语法的系统性和功能性,但在对语言系统和功能的描述方面存在者差异。本文以加的夫语法为立足点,对及物性结构中的过程作了详细的描述,从而了解加的夫语法在句法分析上的一些不同之处,并提出了自己对过程分析的一点浅见。 The Cardiff Grammar, which was represented by Fawcett , R.P., is the development of the Sydney Grammar.Both of them embody the systemic and functional grammar , but there is some difference between the Cardiff Grammar and the Sydney Grammar.Based on the Cardiff Grammar , this thesis will describe the process in transitivity briefly and learn about the difference of the process analysis between the Cardiff Grammar and the Sydney Grammar.Finally, the author will put forward to some ideas on it.
作者 王辰玲 王芳
出处 《宜春学院学报》 2014年第7期99-101,共3页 Journal of Yichun University
基金 河南省教育厅人文社会研究规划项目"语篇分析的系统功能语言学视域"(研究项目号:2013-GH-512)
关键词 加的夫语法 操作词 助动词 主要动词及其延长成分 the Cardiff Grammar operator auxiliary verbs main verbs and its extension
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