

Research on Principle of Coherent Interference Cancellation in Key Extraction and Application
摘要 在无线通信利用物理层属性进行加密中,当通信双方受到噪声和干扰的影响时,导致双方对信道估计存在较大误差,进而提取的密钥存在较大的不一致。文中提出了一种基于两时隙双天线相干干扰抵消方法,将接收阵元数降到最低,并有效地降低了计算的复杂度。通过人为制造信号重发,使两时隙期望信号相同,而干扰不同。同时利用信号和干扰不相关原理,进行干扰消除。MATLAB实验及仿真结果表明,该方法可以有效地消除干扰信号,提高生成密钥的一致性。 For wireless communication using physical layer properties to encrypt, when the communicating parties are influenced by noise and interference, cause the two sides of the channel estimation a big error,leading to extract the keys with a big inconsistency. Present a cancellation method of using the two time-slots with two arrays in this paper, receiving a minimum number of array elements, and effectively reducing the computational complexity. By man-made signals retransmitted, make two slot desired signal identical, and interference different. While taking advantage of the principle of irrelevance between signals and interference to eliminate the interference. MATLAB experiments and the simulation results demonstrate that this way can effectively eliminate the interference signal, ensuring the consistency of the generated key.
出处 《计算机技术与发展》 2014年第9期151-153,共3页 Computer Technology and Development
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61201270)
关键词 干扰消除 信号重发 两时隙双天线 密钥一致性 interference cancellation signal retransmission two time-slots with two arrays key consistency
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