2014年9月16日-19日,由中国锻压协会主办的2014中国国际金属成形展览会(MetalForm China 2014)将在中国国际展览中心顺义新馆举办。总展览面积大约2.6万平米,来自13个国家的250多家一流参展商将集中展示数百台套锻造、冲压和钣金设备、模具、自动化设备、周边辅助设备、检测设备、各类锻件、冲压件和钣金件等,涵盖了金属成形的整个产业链和各种加工工艺。本届展览会及会议的主题是“智能与绿色&转型与升级”,展品和讲座主要体现了节能、节材、减少污染排放、降噪、降低劳动强度、增加有效工作时间、提高产品精度、增加柔性加工、提高产品质量和美观等热点问题。
In the realm of automobile manufacturing, above 60% of parts are formed through press punching of board materials, and the process of forming is concerned with all kinds and various typical technologies of press and punching. In every time of technology advancement in metal forming industry, the auto parts realm has received extreme attention and conforming.
Automobile Parts