
不同类型截面柱组合多层钢框架优化设计分析 被引量:7

Optimum design of multi-layer steel frames combined with different cross section columns
摘要 为了研究不同类型截面柱组合的多层钢框架优化设计可行性,以基本周期、首层剪重比以及结构用钢量等因素建立研究模型,各模型通过弹塑性分析以及不同定额计算的工程造价,进而从抗震性能和工程造价的角度来分析多层钢框架的优化设计,分析结果:1强震地震作用下,柱、梁刚接的节点越少,层间地震响应分布趋于均匀。但是层间反应值有变大的趋势;从各模型地震响应层间损伤均匀分布以及最大层间位移角相对小等定义优化设计,CM4模型较符合。2各模型主体结构的工程造价两种定额计算结果存在差异,广西定额工程造价主要取决于各类型构件的结构用钢量;而大阪府定额工程造价综合考虑构件类型、截面类型确定材料费和加工费,并且单独计算焊接量,其计算结果符合工程实情;从整体上来看,CM4模型比较节省费用。建议广西定额计算钢结构工程造价有必要细化构件类型和截面类型后确定制作和安装费。 In order to study the feasibility of optimum design of multi-layer steel frames combined with different cross section columns, the fundamental period, the shear-weight ratio of first layer, steel weight of structure and other factors were considered to establish different types of models. Elastic-plastic analysis on each model was carried out, and different engineering cost of different quota was obtained. From the perspective of seismic performance and project cost, the optimum design of multi-layer steel frames was analyzed. The analysis results indicate that under the action of strong earth-quakes, the less the nodes of column-beam rigid joints are, the more uniform the distribution of inter-layer seismic responses will be. However, the inter-layer response shows an increase trend. From the perspective of uniform distribution of inter-layer damage due to seismic performance and the relative small maximum inter-layer displacement angle, model CM4 is the optimum one. The calculations for the project cost of main structure of each model are different. The project cost quota of Guangxi mainly depends on steel weight of each type of component, but the project cost quota of Osaka region general-ly considers the component types and cost of materials and processing fees which are determined by section types, and welding is calculated alone. On the whole, model CM4 has lower expense. Hence it is suggested that Guangxi should refine component types and section types before the determination of production and installation fees.
出处 《广西大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第4期778-787,共10页 Journal of Guangxi University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 广西自然科学回国基金资助项目(2011GXNSFC018004) 桂林理工大学广西矿冶与环境科学实验中心项目(KH2012YB027)
关键词 多层钢框架 柱截面类型 层间反应值 工程造价 multi-layer steel frame column cross section inter-layer response engineering cost
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