
CINRAD/SA天气雷达灯丝电源改进电路 被引量:3

Improved Circuit of Filament Power Supply for CINRAD/SA Weather Radar
摘要 针对SA雷达发射机灯丝电源在实际应用过程中进行了跟踪,对出现的电源驱动电路板被烧焦的故障原因和处理办法进行了阐述。现有的SA雷达发射机灯丝电源存在保护性设计缺陷,经常出现破坏性的故障,特别是电源在驱动信号不稳的情况下,两个半桥驱动开关管被击穿,引起驱动电流过大,并烧焦电路板。通过对电路实际维修以及分析,发现此问题是可以克服的,只要适当增加灯丝电源的自我保护功能,并对控制电路进行部分改进,在驱动信号不稳引起电源输出异常时,电源快速收到雷达系统发出的响应信号,自动掐断强电电源,阻止了大电流在驱动信号非稳定期持续经过驱动电路,减少对开关管的冲击,避免随后产生破坏性故障。改进后灯丝电源在部分雷达上进行试用,效果非常理想。 The filament power of SA radar transmitters was tracked in the actual application process, and the causes of the charred power driver circuit board and treatment approaches are described. There are design defects in the protective filament power of the existing SA weather radar transmitter, often leading to destructive faults, especially when the drive signal supply becomes instable, and two half-bridge driver switch are often breakdown, resulting in excessive drive currents and burnt circuit boards. Through the actual maintenance and circuit analysis, it is found that this problem cart be solved, as long as the selfprotection function of the filament power supply is appropriately enhanced and the control circuit is improved partially. When the drive signal instability leads to abnormal power output, the filament power receives the signals from the radar system quickly, and strong power supply can be cut off automatically, preventing the high current of the drive signals from passing through the drive circuit to reduce the impact of the filament supply on the switch, so to avoid subsequent devastating failure. The trial operation of the improved filament supply in some radar indicates that the result is satisfactory.
出处 《气象科技》 2014年第4期585-588,共4页 Meteorological Science and Technology
基金 中国气象局2009年行业专项新一代天气雷达测试与故障检测技术研究(2009416054)资助
关键词 天气雷达 灯丝电源 驱动电路 振荡电路 weather radar, filament power, driver circuit, oscillating circuit
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