
英语专业学生英语议论文的语步结构分析 被引量:1

The Move-step Structure Analysis to English Argumentative Essay for English Major Students
摘要 英语议论文一直以来被认为是书面语篇中一种基本的文本模式。而英语议论文对外语学习者来说也是较难的一种语篇类型。来自于某高校英语专业学生的100篇英语议论文建成一个小型语料库,使用Hyland(1990)英语议论文分析框架对这100篇议论文进行语步结构模式分析。研究结果显示大部分学生的议论文都符合所选分析框架的三个步骤,分析结果也显示本语料库中的议论文有使用新语步的现象。 Argumentative writing has long been regarded as an essential mode of written discourse. However, argumentative writing is a difficult type of text for students, especially for non-native learners. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the current situation of move-step structure of argumentative essays written by English majors in an EFL context. The corpus of English argumentative essays written by 100 English major students in a university were built. A selected analytic framework was used to analyze the move-step structure of the essays. Results revealed that the majority of the argumentative essays were found to follow the three stages set in the model. Findings also showed the occurrence of two new moves that does not exist in the selected model. In the conclusion, pedagogical implications informed by these results and finding sare offered to benefit teaching argumentative essay writing.
作者 李谦
出处 《毕节学院学报(综合版)》 2014年第7期106-111,共6页 Journal of Bijie University
基金 贵州省教育厅高等学校人文社会科学研究项目"基于语料库的体裁分析在英语专业写作教学中的研究"研究成果之一 项目编号:13CZ056
关键词 英语议论文 体裁分析 语步结构 英语专业学生 English Argumentative Essay Genre Analysis Move-step Structure English Major Students
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