3Paul A. Cohen, Historv in Three Keys: The Baxers as Event, E:cperience, and Myth (New York:Columbia University Press, 1997).
5Journal entry, in Alice M. Williams Miscellaneous Papers (Shansi Mission), file 12, ABCFM (American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, Papers in Houghton Library, Harvard University). See also Bird's letter of June 24, 1900 to her brother, ibid.
6Pitkin, letter, June 2, 1900, in Sarah Boardman Goodrich, "Journal of 1900," June 6, 1900, pp.6-7,in Miscellaneous Personal papers, Manuscript Group No. 8, Box No. 88, CRP (China Records Project,Divinity School Library, Yale University) ; Luella Miner, "Last Rites for the Pao-ting-fu Martyrs," The Advance, August 1, 1901.
7See, for example, the dispatch from American minister Edwin H. Conger to Secretary of State John Hay,May 8, 1900, in United States, Papers relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, 1900(Washington, D. C. : GPO, 1902), p. 122.
8(dispatch to Hay, December 7, 1899, ibid., p. 77)See also the dispatch of British minister Claude M. MacDonald to Foreign Secretary Salisbury, May 21, 1900, in Great Britain, Parliamentary Papers, China No.3 (1900), p. 105.
9Rowena Bird, journal entry, June 25, 1900; see also Dwight H. Clapp, diary letter, Taigu, Shanxi, July 7 and 15, 1900, in Alice M. Williams Miscellaneous Papers (Shansi Mission), file 12, ABCFM; Luella Miner, Journal, Beijing, June 25, 1900, ABCFM.