
复方银杏叶萃取物胶囊在眼部成形术术后恢复中的应用 被引量:2

Application of Ginkor Fort in postoperative recovery of patients with eye plastic surgery
摘要 目的 观察复方银杏叶萃取物胶囊治疗眼部成形术术后软组织肿胀的临床疗效.方法 60例分为治疗组与对照组,每组30例,治疗组除加压包扎等常规消肿处理之外,并服用复方银杏叶萃取物胶囊.服用方法:治疗组术前3d开始服用,2粒/次,2次/d,餐时服用,术后连续服用14 d.对照组以术后加压包扎等常规消肿处理为主,不予服用复方银杏叶萃取物胶囊,其余治疗同治疗组.结果 治疗组相较对照组,软组织肿胀程度明显减轻,疼痛感较前缓解.结论 在眼部手术中应用复方银杏叶萃取物胶囊,可明显减轻软组织肿胀程度,疼痛症状明显减轻,无不良反应. Objective To observe the clinical effect of Ginkor Fort in the treatment of soft tissue swelling after eye plastic surgery.Methods A total of 60 patients with ocular plastic surgery were randomly divided into the treatment group and control group,each group of 30 people.In the treatment group patients took Ginkor Fortin in addition to conventional swelling pressure bandage treatment; the patients started to take the medicine 3 days before surgery and until 14 days after operation:2 tablets each time,2 times a day,and taking with meals.In the control group,patients were bandaged and other conventional swelling treatment,not taking Ginkor Fort.Results Compared with the control group patients in the treatment group showed that the degree of soft tissue swelling was significantly reduced and pain relieved.Conclusions The application of Ginkor Fort can significantly reduce the soft tissue swelling degree in patients with plastic surgery in the eye,pain and other symptoms,with no adverse reaction.
出处 《中华医学美学美容杂志》 2014年第4期268-270,共3页 Chinese Journal of Medical Aesthetics and Cosmetology
关键词 复方银杏叶萃取物胶囊 眼部成形术 肿胀 疼痛 Ginkor Fort Eye plasty Swelling Pain
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