患者,男,45岁。躯干、四肢红斑、丘疹3周,无自觉症状。查体:胸背部及四肢椭圆形或梭形红斑,沿皮纹分布,部分覆少许鳞屑;肛周赘生物伴腹股沟淋巴结肿大。梅毒血清学:RPR 1:32,TPPA(+);HIV抗体:(+)。T细胞亚群:CD3+76.5%;CD4+17.3%;CD8+54.2%;CD4/CD8+0.32。HPV-PCR11(+),肛周皮疹醋酸白试验(+)。
A 45-year-old male with erythema on the torso, arms and legs was presented for 3 weeks, with-out subjective symptom. On physical examination, there were erythemas with few scales on the chest, back and limbs distributed along the striae. In addition, there were multiple perianal neoplasm with inguinal lymph node enlargement. Serological tests for syphilis: RPR (+++), RPR titer (1 ∶32);TPPA (+).HIV antibody:(+). HPV-PCR 11 (+). Acetic acid white test of perianal neoplasm: (+).
China Journal of Leprosy and Skin Diseases