
褐色中脉饲草高粱品种产量品质与抗逆性分析 被引量:17

Analysis on the Yield,Quality and Stress Resistance of Brown Midrib Forage Sorghum Varieties
摘要 为揭示不同褐色中脉饲用高粱(Sorghum bicolor)、苏丹草(S.sudanense)、高丹草(S.bicolor×S.sudanense)的产量、品质及抗逆性差异。在海河低平原农区,以生产主推的5份常规饲草品种为对照,采用随机区组设计分析不同刈割处理下国外15份褐色中脉饲草高粱品种的产量、品质和抗逆特性。结果表明:受生长环境因素(不同刈割次数处理)的影响,BMR-6型高丹草的平均干草产量比对照有所下降,BMR-6型饲用高粱的平均干草产量下降幅度高于BMR-12型品种,而BMR-6型苏丹草的平均干草产量比对照有所增加;但方差分析显示,不同褐色中脉品种产量相关性状因遗传背景的不同而与对照品种无显著差异。品质性状分析表明,光周期不敏感型、BMR-12品种的中性洗涤纤维(NDF)、酸性洗涤纤维(ADF)、酸性洗涤木质素(ADL)含量显著低于BMR-6品种,相对饲用价值(RFV)值显著高于BMR-6品种(P<0.05)。综合考虑,BMR-12型材料的育种潜力较大。 To reveal the differences of forage yield,quality and stress resistance among 15 brown midrib forage sorghum varieties collected from abroad,field trials were conducted using the randomized block design at Haihe river lower plains agricultural regions.The correlated traits of forage yield,quality and stress resistance were analyzed.The results showed that the average dry yield of the BMR-6 sorghum × sudangrass hybrid decreased compared with control,whereas the dry yield of BMR-6 sudangrass increased trend.The dry yield of BMR-6 forage sorghum presented a higher decreased range than BMR-12.The analysis of variance indicated that the correlated yield traits were no significant difference between the BMR and NO BMR varieties because of different genetic background.The neutral detergent fiber,acid detergent fiber and acid detergent lignin contents of BMR-12 varieties were significantly lower than that of BMR-6,whereas the relative feed value value of BMR-12 was significantly higher than that of BMR-6 (P〈0.05).In overall consideration,BMR-12 was more useful for breeding.
出处 《草地学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第4期889-896,共8页 Acta Agrestia Sinica
基金 现代农业产业技术体系建设专项资金(CAR-35) 河北省农林科学院青年基金项目(A2012040101)资助
关键词 褐色中脉 饲草高粱 产量 品质 抗逆性 Brown midrib Forage sorghum Yield Quality Stress resistance
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