
细胞周期蛋白USP37作为非小细胞肺癌预后因子的研究 被引量:4

Cell cycle protein USP37 serves as a poor prognostic factor in non-small cell lung cancer
摘要 目的研究细胞周期蛋白USP37作为重要的细胞周期调控因子在肿瘤中的表达情况及其临床意义。方法应用Western blot方法确定USP37在非小细胞肺癌新鲜组织标本中的表达情况,采用免疫组化检测217例非小细胞肺癌蜡块标本USP37的表达并评分。用ROC的方法确定USP37表达的cut-off point;检测USP37表达的情况与病人临床特征之间的相关性。结果 USP37在非小细胞肺癌组织中比其对应的癌旁组织明显高表达。USP37的高表达与非小细胞肺癌的淋巴结分期和Ki67相关。单因素和多因素分析都表明USP37可以作为非小细胞肺癌总生存及无病生存的独立预后因子。结论 USP37在非小细胞肺癌组织中高表达,而且过表达USP37可以作为非小细胞肺癌总生存时间和无疾病进展生存时间的独立预后因子。 Objective Examed the important cell cycle protein USP37 expression level and clinical significance in non-small cell lung cancer. Methods In this study, the method of western blot was utilized to examine the expression of USP37 protein in non-small cell lung cancer fresh tissue. Immunohistochemistry(IHC) was used to determine the expression of USP37 in 217 cases of non-small cell lung cancer. Receive operating characteristic(ROC) curve analysis was employed to determine a cutoff score for USP37 expression. For validation, the ROC-derived cut-off score was subjected to analysis the association of USP37 expression with cancer patient outcome and clinical characteristics. Results We found that USP37 was highly expressed in primary non-small cell lung cancer tissues compared to paired adjacent non-cancerous tissues. High expression of USP37 was associated with Node classification and Ki67. Both univariate and multivariate analysis further revealed that USP37 expression was an independent poor prognostic parameter for OS and DFS in non-small cell lung cancer. Conclusion Our findings first provide evidences that high expression of USP37 can serve as an independent molecular biomarker for poor prognosis in non-small cell lung cancer.
出处 《热带医学杂志》 CAS 2014年第8期1021-1024,F0004,共5页 Journal of Tropical Medicine
关键词 USP37 非小细胞肺癌 肿瘤标志物 USP37 non-small cell lung cancer biomarker
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