目的:研究表没食子儿茶素没食子酸酯(epigallocatechin gallate,EGCG)对镍铬合金电化学腐蚀后表面结构和性能的影响。方法:采用体视显微镜和扫描电镜,观察经0 g/L和1.0 g/L EGCG人工唾液电化学腐蚀后镍铬合金的表面形貌,并运用光电子能谱仪分析经0 g/L和1.0 g/L EGCG人工唾液电化学腐蚀后镍铬合金的表面腐蚀产物。结果:经0 g/L和1.0 g/L EGCG人工唾液电化学腐蚀后,镍铬合金表面均有不同程度的腐蚀,在0 g/L EGCG人工唾液中,出现的点蚀坑直径较小,基本未影响合金表面的枝晶结构;而在1.0 g/L EGCG人工唾液中,镍铬合金表面发生了较为严重的腐蚀,点蚀坑直径较大,枝晶区间开始融合、变得模糊不清。此外,经0 g/L EGCG和1.0 g/L EGCG人工唾液电化学腐蚀后,镍铬合金表面溅射120 s后均检测到了O、Ni、Cr、Be、C及Mo元素,表面氧化物均主要为NiO和Cr2O3。与0 g/L EGCG人工唾液相比,镍铬合金在1.0 g/L EGCG人工唾液电化学腐蚀后表面O元素、NiO和Cr2O3的含量较低。结论:经EGCG人工唾液电化学腐蚀后,镍铬合金表面形貌和表面腐蚀产物结果一致,提示1.0 g/L EGCG促使镍铬合金表面耐腐蚀性能变差,表面腐蚀产物中氧化物含量也降低。
PURPOSE: To investigate the effect of epigallocatechin gallate(EGCG) on the surface properties of nickelchromium dental alloys after electrochemical corrosion. METHODS: The surface morphology and surface structure of nickel-chromium dental alloys were examined by stereomicroscope and scanning electron microscopy before and after electrochemical tests in 0 g/L and 1.0 g/L EGCG artificial saliva. The surface element component and chemical states of nickel-chromium dental alloys were analyzed by X-ray photoelectron spectrograph after electrochemical tests in 0 g/L and1.0 g/L EGCG artificial saliva. RESULTS: More serious corrosion happened on the surface of nickel-chromium alloy in1.0 g/L EGCG artificial saliva than in 0 g/L EGCG. The diameters of corrosion pits were smaller, and the dendrite structure of the alloy surface was not affected in 0 g/L EGCG. While the diameters of corrosion pits were larger, the dendritic interval of the alloy surface began to merge, and the dendrite structure was fuzzy in 1.0 g/L EGCG. In addition,the O, Ni, Cr, Be, C and Mo elements were detected on the surface of nickel-chromium alloys after sputtered for 120 s in0 g/L EGCG and 1.0 g/L EGCG artificial saliva after electrochemical corrosion, and the surface oxides were mainly NiO and Cr2O3. Compared with 0 g/L EGCG artificial saliva, the content of O, NiO and Cr2O3 were lower in 1.0 g/L EGCG.CONCLUSIONS: The results of surface morphology and the corrosion products both show that the corrosion resistance of nickel-chromium alloys become worse and the oxide content of corrosion products on the surface reduce in 1.0 g/L EGCG artificial saliva.
Shanghai Journal of Stomatology
Epigallocatechin gallate
Nickel-chromium dental alloys
Surface morphology
Corrosion products