The theory of Liushuis the traditional Chinese theory analyzing the structure of Chinese characters.It has been applied to the study of the Chinese writing for more than two thousand years.However,many scholars have found much vagueness and inconvenience in this traditional theory and have put forward several theories of Sanshu.This article gives a thorough survey on the theories of Liushuand Sanshuand some western theories and concepts on writing as well,aiming at exploring the ideas and methods in the invention of writing.The authors point out that the theories of Liushu,Sanshu and the Western Sanshu shared a similar analysis on the structure of writing,and ignored the ideas and methods in the invention of writing.With a specific consideration on the evolution of writing,the authors put forward a new theory of Sanshu,i.e.Picture,Rebus and Post-rebus.Picture:the ancient people applied picture-writing to draw the objects,following the outline of their physical forms.But there are many words which cannot be easily drawn.Then comes the second principle of writing,Rebus,which borrows the sound of the existed scripts to represent or compound other words.The Rebus is the revolution of writing,and every writing system has undergone this stage.The Post-rebus is the third stage of writing.At this stage,different writing takes the different ways in further development.Most writing systems have employed the rebus principle further and given up the picture-writing altogether,and eventually developed into the syllabic writing and the alphabetic writing.The Chinese writing however has combined the ideographs and phonograms to invent Xingsheng(semanto-phonetic compounds),and eventually evolved into a matured writing system.The orientation of writing is determined by the characteristic of the language,as well as historical and cultural factors,with neither one being superior or inferior to the other.
Literature,History,and Philosophy