
恐怖之“网”?——托马斯·品钦《放血尖端》中的“9·11”叙事 被引量:7

A “Web” of Terror?——Thomas Pynchon's 9/11 Narrative in Bleeding Edge
摘要 《放血尖端》是品钦的第一部"9·11"小说。该作品的独特之处在于选择了以"互联网"为贯穿全书的背景和喻体,表面上是以跨国恐怖主义的阴谋为"9·11"提供一种另类的叙事想象,深层的写作动机却是反思网络社会和媒介与晚期资本主义的多重关系。在品钦看来,"9·11"事件并非是无可理喻的历史突变,而是互联网浪潮、全球资本主义和后人类主义互动交战的产物。人类在这一历史事件之后对信息时代技术政治的反思,将制约虚拟现实空间中人的处境与未来。 Bleeding Edge, Pynchon's first 9/11 novel, is unique because of its comprehensive use of the World Wide Web both as backdrop and as a figure metaphor. On one level, the novel is an imaginative text that provides an alternative 9/11 narrative about international terrorism and conspiracy. On a deeper level, however, what lies behind the story is a critique of network society and media entangled with late capitalism. For Pynchon, 9/11 may not be an inconceivable historical event; rather, 9/11 was spawned by a convergence of the Internet boom, global capitalism, and post-humanism. The novel suggests that how we reflect upon the post-9/11 technopolitics of the Information Age will largely decide the future conditions of human beings in virtual reality.
作者 但汉松
出处 《当代外国文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期5-14,共10页 Contemporary Foreign Literature
基金 2013年"国家社科基金青年项目"(项目编号13CWW021) 2011年"江苏省社会科学基金项目"(项目编号11WWC012)资助
关键词 品钦 “9·11”叙事 互联网 后人类主义 Pynchon, 9/11 narrative, Internet, post-humanism
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  • 1Anker, Elizabeth S. "Allegories of Falling and the 9/11 Novel." American Literary History 23.3 ( 2011 ) : 463-82.
  • 2Baudrillard, Jean. Simulations. Trans. Paul Foss, et al. New York: Semiotext [e ], 1983.
  • 3曼纽尔·卡斯特.《网络社会:跨文化的视角》,周凯译,北京:社科文献出版社,2009年.
  • 4Deleuze, Gilles. "Postscript on the Society of Control." October 59.4 ( 1992 ) : 3-7.
  • 5DeLillo, Don. Underworld. New York: Scribner, 1997.
  • 6Hardack, Richard. "World Trade Centers and World-Wide-Webs: Prom Underworld to Over-Soul in Don DeLillo." Arizona Quarterly." A Journal of American Literature, Culture and Theory 69.1 ( Spring 2013 ) : 151-83.
  • 7Hayles, N. Catherine. My Mother Was a Computer: Digital Subject and Literary Texts. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2005.
  • 8Hayles, N. Catherine. The Cosmic Web and Literary Strategies in the 20th Century. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1984.
  • 9Huehls, Mitchum. "The Great Flattening." Contemporary Literature 54.4 ( 2013 ) : 861-71.
  • 10Jarvis, Michael. "Pynchon's Deep Web." Los Angeles Review of Books 10 September, 2013. Web.










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