
谱写女性爱恋之书——论《指匠情挑》的后现代叙事策略 被引量:7

Rewriting the Female Romance: On the Postmodern Narrative Strategies in Fingersmith
摘要 《指匠情挑》是英国作家萨拉·沃特斯维多利亚三部曲的最后一部,该书以维多利亚时代女性爱恋为主题,透过后现代的文化视角再现了一段曾被边缘化的历史。在叙事策略上,小说通过多重叙事和叙述切换来展开故事,借鉴并戏仿了侦探小说、维多利亚感伤小说、哥特小说和道德寓言叙述风格,运用了大量具有象征意义的语言与经典前文本共同创造出复杂的互文隐喻结构,展现了作者在历史语境下对女性欲望与文本重构的后现代意识。 As the last novel of British writer Sarah Waters's Victorian trilogy, Fingersmith explores Victorian women's love and desire from the postmodern perspec- tive by retelling a love story of the marginalized in the 19th-century England. Juxtaposing multiple points of view, weaving a variety of symbols and metaphors, and playing with conventional forms of fiction such as detective story, Victorian sentimental novel, gothic novel and moral allegory, Waters constructs an elaborate narrative, featuring intertextual references to canonical works, to speak her postmodern mind regarding female desire and literary recreation.
作者 姚臻
出处 《当代外国文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期92-97,共6页 Contemporary Foreign Literature
基金 江苏省高校优势学科建设工程资助项目(20110101)的中期成果
关键词 萨拉·沃特斯 《指匠情挑》 叙事策略 后现代意识 Sarah Waters, Fingersmith, narrative strategy, postmodern mind
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