

From Punishment to Stimulation: A Probe into the Enforcement Mechanism of Corporation Law
摘要 为了促进公司法实体规则的实施,立法者除了需要重视法律责任和惩罚措施的运用之外,还应当建立各种激励机制,即以经济利益的给付、道德声誉的褒奖、相关权利的优先享有以及法律责任的豁免为手段来促使公司及其参与人主动遵守法律。因为激励机制在解决"共益权行使的集体行动问题"以及"义务规则的非标准化问题"等方面具有不可替代的作用,而且激励机制的运用还有助于把公司法的公共实施转化为私人实施,进而降低法律实施的成本。 In order to promote the enforcement of substantive rules of the corporation law, besides focusing on the function of legal liability and punitive measures, legislators should sot up various stimulating meas- ures such as payment of economic interests, award of moral reputation, enjoyment of priority rights and exemp- tion from liability so as to motivate the corporation and the participants to abide by law. The mechanism of stimulation can play indispensable roles in solving the "problem of collective action in exercising rights to common benefits" and the "problem arising from non-standardized ndes of liability". Moreover, the mechanism of stimulation can also help change the corporation from public enforcement to private enforcement so as to reduce the enforcement cost of law.
作者 董淳锷
出处 《北方法学》 CSSCI 2014年第5期48-59,共12页 Northern Legal Science
基金 作者主持的教育部人文社会科学青年基金项目"市场交易中法律规避现象的实证研究"(项目编号11YJC820017)的阶段成果 2013年度"中山大学青年教师培育项目"(项目编号1209122) "中山大学青年教师起步资助计划"的资助
关键词 法律实施 激励机制 股东共益权 董事义务 enforcement of law mechanism of stimulation shareholders' fight to common benefits duty of directors
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