
一种ADC积分非线性参数内建自测试方案 被引量:1

A BIST Scheme for INL Parameter Testing of ADC
摘要 针对ADC(模数转换器)静态参数中积分非线性参数测试的问题,提出了一种快速测试的内建自测试方案。该方案利用数字谐振器和Σ-Δ调制器生成正弦测试源信号,依据FFT算法建立ADC的切比雪夫函数逼近模型,进而根据数学模型快速计算积分非线性参数。与传统的码密度直方图测试方案相比,所提出内建自测试方案硬件开销小,测试速度快,易于片上集成。实验结果验证了该方案的有效性。 Aiming at the static integral nonlinearity (INL) parameter testing of analog to digital converter (ADC), a novel fast built-in self test (BIST) scheme is presented. The scheme uses the digital oscillator and Sigma-Delta modulator to generate the testing source signal on chip and builds the Chebyshev polynomials model for ADC according to the fast Fourier transform(FFT), and then computes the INL parameter by using the ADC model. Comparing with the traditional histogram of ADC's out codes, the proposed BIST scheme has the advantages of high testing speed, low area overhead and easy integrating on chip. The results of simulation have proved the effectiveness of this scheme.
作者 谭子尤
出处 《微电子学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第4期550-554,共5页 Microelectronics
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61102089) 湖南省教育厅科学研究项目(10C1088)
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