A implicit scheme finite difference method of the Crank-Nicolson type for the 2D nonlinear potential flow equations is proposed with a dissipative free surface. The irregular tank is mapped onto a fixed square domain divided by rectangular cells through a proper mapping function. A staggered mesh system is adopted and a coupling iterative algorithm is presented in a 2D tank. The results show that the numerical solutions agree with the Frandsen's analytical solutions of the potential flow equations without dissipative free surface. The paper presents numerical results of the wave elevations and velocity field with free motion, horizontal excited motion and vertical excited motion. Experimental results show that the wave elevation and velocity field will be decreased as the dissipative parameters increase for the free oscillation and vertical excited oscillation. The wave elevation and the velocity field for the horizontal excited oscillation will be reduced as the dissipative parameters increase. The wave elevation and velocity field will be kept stability when the excited force equals the dissipative force, and the wave elevation of the free surface behaves dissipative phenomenon.
Chinese Journal of Hydrodynamics