
颠覆产业世界的互联网基因 被引量:2

Internet DNA Disrupting the Industrial World
摘要 作为一种业界隐喻,互联网基因意指产品的三个特征:产品成为互联网终端,服务依托云平台,需求感知敏捷化。三个特征的现实展开形成产品形态革命的趋势,即整体来看产品演变成"三位一体"的服务体系,动态来看服务体系通过迭代创新形成永续生命周期,宏观来看服务体系之间互联互通从而形成智能生产网络。互联网基因之所以颠覆产业世界,根本原因在于能够以低成本创造出新价值。新价值主要是以产品或服务设施为载体在需求感知基础上提供的服务增加值,在线运营平台是实现这种增加值的核心资产,平台运营商依托平台资产能够对相关行业发动价值颠覆。文章以信息类终端产品、传统IT企业和中介行业为案例对此进行了说明,并强调在线运营平台将会成为各行各业的产业链中枢和竞争焦点。最后从历史角度说明,互联网基因既符合产业服务化的一贯趋势,又是此趋势中的巨大飞跃,它超出了产业技术革命理论的ICT(信息、通信和技术)范式框架,所引起变革的深度堪比工业革命以来社会化大生产的出现。 As an industrial metaphor, Interuet DNA refers to three characteristics of product: all sorts of products becoming In ternet terminals, services provided by cloud platforms, and sensitive perception of users' needs. These characteristics bring about the trend of product mode revolution: product evolves into a trinity service system of software, hardware, and platlbrm, the service system owns a lasting life cycle through iterative innovation, and the interconnection of different service systems gives birth to a great smart production network. Intemet DNA will disrupt the industrial world necessarily for its ability of cre- ating new value with lower cost. Therefore, it is argued that the new value is provided based on the perception of needs. The core asset making the new value possible is online operating platform, relying on which the operator can attack traditional finns aggressively. Information terminal products, IT enterprises, and intermediary agents are illustrated as industrial cases to demonstrate the point. It is also stressed that online operating platforms will become industrial pivots in all sorts of industries sooner or later, lnternet DNA is consistent with the long term trend of servitization of manufacturing while it means a great leapfrogging during the process, for it is beyond the ICT paradigm in the industrial revolution theory, and is comparable to the emergence of socialized mass production during the industrial revolution
作者 赵夫增
出处 《中国科学院院刊》 2014年第5期620-630,共11页 Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金2013年青年项目(71202128) 中科院科技政策与管理科学所重大研究项目(Y201141Z07)
关键词 互联网基因 产品形态革命 在线运营平台 价值颠覆 Internet DNA, product mode revolution, online operating platform, value disruption
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