
一种基于哈希编码的内容路由查询匹配机制 被引量:1

Content routing lookup mechanism based on hash coding
摘要 基于名字的路由查找是命名数据网络(NDN)的一个关键技术,但由于NDN名字层次化的结构以及无限制的长度,使得查询匹配的实现具有很大的挑战性。提出一种有效的元素哈希编码机制,首先利用哈希函数压缩数据名字,然后采用改进的状态转换阵列实现名称最长前缀的快速匹配,最后设计一种快速的增量更新机制,满足NDN转发过程中频繁地插入、修改与删除等操作。仿真结果表明,提出的方法使路由条目压缩率达到40%以上,匹配速率提高约10%。 Name-based routing lookup is a key technology for named data networking(NDN). However, due to the hierarchi- cal structure and unlimited length of the NDN name, the realization of the lookup match has a great challenge. This paper presented an effective component hash encoding mechanism. Firstly, it compressed data names using hash function. Secondly, it realized a rapid longest prefix matching of names by adopting improved state transition array. Finally, it proposed a fast in- cremental upadate mechanism to meet the modify and delete operations in NDN forwarding process. Simulation results show that the routing entries compression ratio achieves 40% and matching rate increases by 10%.
出处 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第10期3081-3086,共6页 Application Research of Computers
基金 国家"973"计划资助项目(2012CB315901) 国家"863"计划资助项目(2011AA01A103) 国家科技支撑计划资助项目(2011BAH19B01)
关键词 命名数据网络 内容路由 路由查询 哈希编码 NDN content routing routing lookup hash coding
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