

Differential fault analysis on SHACAL-2
摘要 采用基于字的随机故障模型对SHACAL-2*算法进行差分故障攻击,理论结果和实验数据都表明以超过60%的成功概率恢复512 bit的种子密钥需要160个随机故障,以超过97%的成功概率恢复512 bit的种子密钥需要204个随机故障。SHACAL-2*算法可以找到两个有效的差分故障位置,而SHACAL-2算法只有一个有效的差分故障位置。因此,从实施差分故障攻击的难易程度看,SHACAL-2*算法抵抗差分故障攻击的能力弱于SHACAL-2算法。 This paper used the technique of differential fault attack on the SHACAL- 2 * based on word-oriented fault model. Both theoretical results and experimental data demonstrate that 160 random faults are needed to obtain 512 bit key with suc- cessful probability more than 60% , while 204 random faults are needed to obtain 512 bit key with successful probability more than 97%. The paper found two effective differential fault positions in the SHACAL-2* , while one could be found in the SHACAL-2. Therefore,according to the difficulty degree of carrying out differential fault attack, SHACAL-2* is weaker than SHACAL-2 in the aspect of resistance differential fault attack.
出处 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第10期3122-3124,共3页 Application Research of Computers
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61103192) 国家"973"计划资助项目(2013CB338002)
关键词 随机故障模型 SHACAL-2*算法 差分故障攻击 random fault model SHACAL-2* algorithm differential fault attack
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