目的:探讨股骨颈疝窝的影像学表现以及诊断价值。材料与方法:对7例股骨颈疝窝的影像学资料进行回顾性分析。其中男性4例,女性3例,年龄15~53岁,平均年龄37±14岁。7例均行骨盆X线平片及CT检查;另有5例行MR检查;1例行放射性核素显像;并有2例行疝窝手术刮除。结果:7例共8个病灶均位于股骨头基底和股骨颈前外侧皮质下,呈圆形或卵圆形,最大径≤15 mm。X线平片上表现为伴有硬化缘的透亮区;CT上表现为类圆形骨质缺损区,其内为密度均匀的软组织密度影,边缘硬化、清楚;MRI上病变表现为长T1、长T2信号,灶周骨髓未见异常信号;放射性核素显像无明显异常。结论:股骨颈疝窝有较为特征性的影像学改变,影像学检查对其诊断具有重要的价值。
Purpose: To evaluate the imaging appearance and the value of X-ray film,CT,MRI and ECT in herniation pit of the femoral neck. Materials and Methods: 7 cases( 4male,3 female; 15 - 53 years old,mean age 37 ± 14years) of herniation pit were analyzed retrospectively. 7 cases of hip joint were examined by conventional radiography and CT;5 cases by MRI and 1cases by ECT respectively; 2 cases were operated. Results: The 8 lesions with 7 cases were round or oval which were located in the base of femoral head and the anterior lateral part of the femoral neck in all cases. X-ray film showed low density with sclerotic margins; CT scans showed well-defined lesion of soft-tissue attenuation with sclerotic margins; MR images displayed low intensity on T1 WI and high intensity on T2WI; ECT images displayed normal. Conclusion:There is high value of imaging in diagnosis herniation pit which with characteristic imaging appearance.
Modern Medical Imageology
Femoral neck Herniation Imaging